Media & News Resources
Your partnership, storytelling and voice can help us save lives.
Today, more than 100,000 people in the United States - including 10,000 right here in Texas - are awaiting a lifesaving organ transplant. For many, that transplant will not come in time because the number of those waiting far outweighs the available donated organs.
Educating our communities about donation and how to register is key.
Myths and misconceptions about organ and tissue donation are prevalent in our communities. When trusted media partners share the true stories and facts, more people will feel comfortable saying YES to organ, eye and tissue donation!
We’re here to help.
The Marketing & Communications team at STA is here to help you share the stories, interviews and local information your audiences want to know about. Please see the resources below in our media kit, and reach out to us anytime.
Contact our Marketing & Communications Team
Kelli James
Director, Marketing and Communications
Email | 503-871-5772
Media Kit
About Southwest Transplant Alliance
Learn about how STA works within its service area in Texas to save lives.
Donation Facts & Information
Learn the facts about organ donation and transplantation
Using appropriate language
When covering the topic of organ and tissue donation, compassionate, human-centric language should be at the forefront of every story. Organ and tissue donors — and their families — provide an incredible gift of life amid a painful loss. Please use this guide to help you navigate through respectful language when reporting on donation:
Visit the following organizations’ websites to learn more about organ, eye and tissue transplantation.
Donate Life Texas (DLT)
Association of Organ Procurement Organizations (AOPO)
Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN)